• 26/07/2024 23:43

The Defense Council of the Kherson region warned about limiting Easter celebrations

Divine services during curfew and other events will be prohibited for security reasons.

The Defense Council of the Kherson region warned about limiting the celebration of Easter

Meeting of the Council of Defense Forces of the Kherson region

The Kherson region considered the issue of holding mass events during during the Easter holidays.

As the head of the OBA, Alexander Prokudin, reported on Telegram, a decision was made to ban religious services during curfew, consecrations on the territory of religious buildings and visits to cemeteries. The restrictions will not apply to funeral processions.

The administration explained the ban by the desire not to expose people to danger and asked for understanding. They also promised to strengthen the protection of public order by increasing the number of police patrols.

Also during the meeting of the Defense Council they talked about the progress of the mobilization campaign. The work of the military hospital commissions of the Kherson region was checked by specialists from Kropyvnytskyi – no violations were found.

  • Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter on May 5.
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