• 26/07/2024 22:34

The Lithuanian Seimas allowed the purchase of drones with Chinese components for transfer to Ukraine

Previously, organizations did not have the right to purchase goods from an “unreliable manufacturer.”

The Lithuanian Seimas allowed the purchase of drones with Chinese components to transfer them to Ukraine

The Lithuanian parliament adopted a decision on drones containing Chinese parts , for testing or transferring them to other states.

According to Public, this will increase the supply of drones to Ukraine for their use against Russian occupiers. In the Seimas, the bill was supported by 75 deputies, two abstained, and there were no votes against was.

Previously, Lithuanian companies were not allowed to purchase UAVs if their manufacturer or management person was registered in China – due to the fact that they were listed as “unreliable.”

    < li>Ukraine and Lithuania have agreed to jointly produce drones.
  • It was reported that the country is developing its own strike-type UAV.


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