• 27/07/2024 03:58

The Russian Federation hit Kiev with two ballistic missiles from Crimea: the targets were hit, the type is being determined

Russian occupiers hit Kiev with two ballistic missiles from the territory of the temporarily occupied Cree mu.

This was stated by the commander of the Air Defense Forces of the ZSU Mikola Oleshchuk, RBC-Ukraine reported on his post on Telegram.

In his words, at about 10:30 the enemy launched an attack on Kiev with two ballistic missiles at that hour occupied Crimea.

“The purpose is depleted, the type is being established,” adding Vin.

Attack on Kiev

Zranka 25 bereznia in Kiev voiced the alarm. At the same time, the Ukrainian forces of the ZSU reported about the missile attack on Kiev.

After this, the capital was filled with boos. At this time, the KMVA was informed about the work of the PPO.

Later it became known that in the Pechersky district of the capital, a large number of overhead booths were damaged. In addition, the fall of the ulama in the Solomyansky and Dnieper regions was recorded.

For more details about the missile attack on Kiev, read the material from RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and important information about Read the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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