• 26/07/2024 20:44

The US House of Representatives praised the assistance to Ukraine: what's next

The US House of Representatives praised the bill on financial assistance to Ukraine. Now the bill may be considered by the American Senate and then signed by US President Joe Biden.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this with requests to broadcast the vote in the House of Representatives.

The bill on assistance to Ukraine was supported by most congressmen in the House of Representatives. 311 congressmen voted “for”, 112 voted against.

What's in the bill about Ukraine

The outer scope of the bill to help Ukraine, which is іціував Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson will raise 60.84 billion dollars. A third of these funds, itself 23.2 billion dollars, will be lost in the United States and will be spent on replenishing American reserves.

Where to spend the remaining funds:

  • 13.8 billion dollars – for the purchase of advanced military systems, defense products and defense services for Ukraine;
  • 11.3 billion dollars – for US military operations in Europe;
  • 26 million dollars – for continued visibility and awareness of the additional assistance that Ukraine is hoping for.

Also, within the framework of this bill, Ukraine is crediting 7.85 billion dollars in direct financial assistance to the state budget. This credit gives the right to write off the American President, just after the elections in the United States, scheduled for November 5, 2024.

In addition, the bill calls on the US President to secretly transfer ATACMS long-range missiles to Ukraine. The President has the right to consider that this transfer could harm the national security of the States.

What's next

The bill will now be sent for consideration to the US Senate. It is expected that the senators will take up this review very soon, after a break, the schedule will be handed over to the Senate.

After being praised by senators, the bill may be submitted to US President John Biden for signature. As stated by the leader of the majority in the Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer, the document will be sent to the President’s desk immediately after the vote.

At the White House they have already announced that a new package of military assistance to Ukraine from the United States will be immediately after the residual praise for the bill. According to the American Politico, Ukraine can withdraw the artillery and the PPO system, but the remaining size of the aid package is unknown.

Help for Ukraine from the United States

It is likely that the American Congress may soon be considering the US President’s request for additional funding donation of assistance to Ukraine, The fragments of food seen earlier have already ended.

Nutrition of aid to Ukraine has been in the wilderness for several months, after Iran’s attack on Israel became a supply for the Congress. Read more about the history of the review of food assistance to Ukraine and the replacement of the Ukrainian package in the material of RBC-Ukraine.

For terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine, read the channel and RBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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