• 27/07/2024 04:46

Units specializing in ground-based drones have appeared in the Armed Forces of Ukraine – Colonel Sukharevsky

The Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine says that by the end of 2024 we will see real systematic work of ground-based robotic systems.

Units have appeared in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Illustrated photo: kamikaze robot Ratel S < p>Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Vadim Sukharevsky, said that staff units specializing in the operation of ground robotic systems have been introduced into the unmanned systems units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

“Today, a clear standardization of ground-based drones has been formed. Regular units of ground-based robotic systems have been introduced in the units of unmanned systems,” Sukharevsky said at the special cancellation ceremony of the postage stamp “Weapons of Victory. Made in UA” on Saturday.

He noted , that today we are not talking about the fact that “in a month the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be 100% provided with ground-based drones.”

This is due to the need to train system operators to form effective tactics for using ground-based drones. Tactics are already being developed, based on the experience of units that are already using ground-based robotic systems, Sukharevsky clarified.

According to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “if not dozens, then hundreds” of ground-based drones are already being used at the front. The range of their applications is wide.

“I think that by the end of 2024 we will see real systematic operation of ground-based robotic systems in particular,” said Sukharevsky.

He added that the main task The General Staff and manufacturers are to scale up the production of ground systems and increase their quality. , give a serious advantage to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the ability to compensate for “limited resources in terms of artillery.”

  • In early April, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development showed how the Ukrainian ground robot kamikaze Ratel S blew up a bridge, complicating the logistics of the Russians. li>
  • Previously, the Ukrainian combat robot “Lyut” successfully passed field tests. The robot can storm or defend positions. Work is currently underway to improve the machine to scale up production.


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