• 26/07/2024 22:40

Zelensky on the Russian attack on a house in Odessa: There is no military sense in such attacks. This is terror

Delaying the transfer of weapons to Ukraine leads to human losses.

Zelensky on the Russian attack on a house in Odessa: There is no military sense in such attacks. This> Vladimir Zelensky </p>
<p>President Vladimir Zelensky notes that delaying the supply of weapons to Ukraine and air defense to protect our people leads to loss of lives. The Russians continue their terror tactics and strike residential buildings.</p>
<p>He said this in a video message.</p>
<p>“The rescue operation continued all day in Odessa at the site where the Russian suicide bomber hit. Now the State Emergency Service, police and other services continue to work – there is information about people under the rubble. It was an ordinary residential building – one of many destroyed by Russian monsters. As of At this time, it is known about seven dead, among them two children: a baby – four months old, his name was Timofey, but a boy – Mark, the child was not yet three years old… My condolences to all the family and friends. girl. Everyone who was wounded is receiving the necessary help. I thank each and everyone who is participating in the rescue operation, who supports people. And it is very important to be all together and help,” Zelensky said.</p>
<p>He emphasized that there is no military sense in such attacks by “shaheeds”. This is terror, the purpose of which is exclusively to destroy lives, exclusively to intimidate people.</p>
<p>Zelensky called on Western countries not to rush into supplying Ukraine with weapons to protect our people.</p>
<p>“The world knows what can be countered to terror. The world has enough air defense systems, systems to protect against suicide bombers and missiles. And delays in the supply of weapons to Ukraine and air defense to protect our people lead, unfortunately, to such losses, to the fact that The list of children whose lives are being taken by Russia is constantly growing. Ukraine has not asked for anything more than is necessary to protect life. And when lives are lost, and partners simply have internal political games or disputes that limit our protection, it is impossible to understand. It is impossible to agree. And it will be impossible to forget – the world will remember this. Russian terror must lose. This is fundamental. There is nothing that they recognize in Moscow except strength. So, there must be more of our strength. And unity. The unity of the world. us, in Ukraine,” – said the president.</p>
<p>“If anyone else lacks motivation, “martyrdom” every night is motivation. Russian missiles, Russian evil. Our every loss. Our every warrior who gave his life for the independence of Ukraine .A clear understanding of the enemy and real, not feigned respect for our heroes – all this is the motivation to fight. Destroy the occupiers. And work for the sake of our state and people. For the sake of strengthening Ukraine,” he added.</p>
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