• 27/07/2024 04:15

A video of the liquidation of a group of 10 Russian attack aircraft near Avdeevka by Ukrainian defenders was published on the Internet.

ByJohn Newman

Jan 12, 2024

The Ukrainian Armed Forces eliminated an enemy assault group near Avdiivka, which was captured on camera by one of the drones flying over the area.

A video of the liquidation of a group of 10 Russian attack aircraft near Avdeevka by Ukrainian defenders was published on the Internet

Photo – apostrophe.ua

As NBN reports, footage of the consequences of a Ukrainian drone attack on an assault group of invaders was published in the TG channel “VideoREAKTOR”.

So, initially in the footage you can see how the enemy group, attack aircraft, which numbers approximately ten a man is walking with a confident step, probably on a combat mission, that is, to oust Ukrainian defenders from certain positions.

In turn, the publication “Censor.NET” writes that all this happened near Avdiivka.

Then the drone shows the same Russian attack aircraft, but already lying down after an attack by Ukrainian forces. Everyone who went to fight against the Ukrainian Armed Forces was liquidated.

Remember that we previously wrote about how the Russian Federation is implanting the “Russian world” on Ukrainians under occupation.


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