• 26/07/2024 23:02

Blockade of the Ukrainian border: the State Border Guard Service named the checkpoint through which the Poles restricted the entry of buses

ByJohn Newman

Mar 20, 2024

Over the past 4-5 months, Polish farmers have been intensively protesting not only against the import of agricultural products from Ukraine, but also against the decisions of the European Union itself, effectively blocking the routes of a number of important goods to our country.

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Blockade of the Ukrainian border: the State Border Guard Service named the checkpoint through which the Poles restricted the entry of buses

Photo – ukrinform.ua

NBN writes about the fact that at the Medyka-Shegini checkpoint on the part of the neighboring state, blocking of scheduled passenger vehicles from Ukraine has begun, NBN writes, referring to the warning published in the official Telegram channel of the State Border Guard Service.

According to information provided by Polish colleagues, the blocking of bus traffic began at about 11 o'clock in the morning of this Wednesday, March 20th. In particular, the organizers of the protest, that is, the Poles, are closing traffic in front of the Medyka checkpoint, adjacent to the Ukrainian Shegini checkpoint.

As it became known, it is planned to allow no more than one bus in two hours, both for entry into Ukraine and for exit, however, little is known yet regarding the approximate timing of the blockade of movement of this category of vehicles, therefore domestic carriers and ordinary citizens should take this information into account when planning their trips.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that the State Border Guard Service announced the Poles’ refusal to allow humanitarian supplies into Ukraine.


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