• 26/07/2024 22:26

Experts have listed signs indicating that a smartphone is about to break down

ByJohn Newman

May 5, 2024

Often, a smartphone may stop functioning precisely at the moment when you need to make an important call or respond to a messenger, and therefore you should pay attention to the “inappropriate” behavior of the device.

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Experts have listed the signs indicating  approaching breakdown of the smartphone

Photo – golossokal.com.ua

About the fact that the owner of the “gadget” must know the prerequisites in advance indicating an impending failure of the mobile phone in order to replace the device in a timely manner, writes “NBN”, referring to the iTECHua material.

The first sign of the imminent failure of the device is the mobile phone reboots/turns off on its own: the gadget does not  cope with loads or encountered serious problems when processing software.

The second sign the touch screen “does do not react to user actions, that is some sensors are “burned out”, and&nbsp ;soon the smartphone will become completely unusable.

The third sign is sudden “braking” or pausing of applications: if programs begin to “crash” too often, then it’s time for the owner of the “gadget” to think about buying a new one smartphone.

Earlier, we wrote about what experts called errors that quietly “destroy” the batteries of smartphones and tablets.


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