• 26/07/2024 20:21

Experts named products whose cost in Ukraine will increase from March

ByJohn Newman

Feb 17, 2024

The blocking of borders by European farmers situationally plays a significant role in the pricing of a number of food products in Ukraine – while domestic products are not allowed into the EU, they remain somewhat cheaper on the domestic market than they could be.

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Experts named products whose cost in Ukraine will increase from March

Photo – unian.net

About the fact that With the arrival of spring, prices on the store shelves of our country will rise not only for vegetable products, but also for some “related” products, writes NBN, citing the forecasts of numerous analysts published by the Korotko publication. about.”

As it became known, in less than 2 weeks, little by little, but steadily, prices will begin to rise:

  • fish and other “gifts of the seas and rivers” “;
  • bread and similar pastries;
  • “milk” and everything made from milk;
  • all types of coffee;
  • cocoa and confectionery products containing it;
  • alcohol-containing drinks.

However, the cost of individual categories of products will remain unchanged, since they are produced at local agricultural enterprises, and ;this applies to:

  • vegetable oil from sunflower seeds;
  • chicken eggs;
  • meat and poultry;
  • cereals and legumes.

Earlier, we wrote about how prices for ordinary chicken eggs have changed in this month in Ukraine.


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