• 26/07/2024 23:21

Gumenyuk explained the disappearance of the occupiers' missiles from radars during the night attack

ByJohn Newman

Mar 28, 2024

The head of the press center of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine Natalya Gumenyuk spoke about the disappearance of missiles from the radars of the “second army of the world” during a night attack.

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Gumenyuk explained the disappearance of occupiers' missiles from radars during a night attack

Photo – radiosvoboda.org

The speaker of the Operational Command “South” commented on the national telethon on the disappearance of the Russian Armed Forces missiles from radars at night. According to her, this is not the first time such incidents have occurred, NBN reports.

The head of the press center said that Tu-22 aircraft of the “second army of the world” are carriers of supersonic cruise anti-ship missiles X-22.

Gumenyuk noted that working on them is indeed very difficult. At the same time, the Kh-22 are not very modern missiles, so the Russians are modernizing them to the level of air-launched cruise missiles Kh-32, etc.

Speaker of OK “Yug”, speaking about the disappearance of missiles of Putin's army with radars, reported that this is not the first time that the Defense Forces have detected problems with the enemy in the air. Apparently, during a night attack, the Russians experienced a similar incident.

Earlier, Gumenyuk reported that the invaders in Crimea had stockpiled Zircon hypersonic missiles and could begin targeted terror in our country.


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