• 27/07/2024 04:22

ISW explained whether the destruction of 15 Russian aircraft will affect the pace of the invaders’ offensive in the Donetsk region

ByJohn Newman

Mar 3, 2024

The liquidation of the specified number of aircraft (more than 13 Su-34/35) over the last 2 weeks will not be a tangible loss for the RF Armed Forces, since the aggressor country has at least 300 in its “reserves” units of identical fighter-bombers.

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In ISW explained whether the destruction of 15 aircraft of the Russian Federation will affect the rate of advance of the invaders in the Donetsk region

Photo – fakty.com.ua

About the fact that Putin’s army is ready to risk its planes, and, accordingly, the lives of highly qualified pilots, just to preserve some tactical advantage in the Avdeevsky sector of the front, writes NBN, citing the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).

According to ISW analysts, the recent large-scale losses of the Russian Aerospace Forces forced the occupiers to temporarily minimize aviation activities over the entire territory of Ukraine, but did not force the invaders to significantly reduce the activity of long-range tactical aircraft.

The Institute for the Study of War added that the Russian occupation army, apparently, will try to ignore such limited and ;local advantage in the air, intending to provide maximum support for the tactical movement of their forces in the Avdiivka direction.

In particular, the occupiers made a predictable decision—“continuing the offensive with air support outweighs the risk of losing more aircraft “.

Earlier, we wrote about that British intelligence told how the Russian Federation will try to replace the downed A-50s and how this will affect the offensive of the invaders.


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