• 27/07/2024 00:35

Kolya Serga named two factors thanks to which Ukrainians still continue to hold back the Russian attack

ByJohn Newman

May 1, 2024

Singer and TV presenter Kolya Serga, who has joined the ranks of defenders since the beginning of the full-scale war and now heads the Cultural Landing, named two factors thanks to which Ukrainians continue to fight a stronger enemy.

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Kolya Serga named two factors thanks to which Ukrainians still continue to hold back the Russian attack

Photo – instagram.com/dobrobat.in.ua

The musician in his Instagram account reflected on what helps Ukrainians not to give up and continue to hold back the Russian advance. Serga believes that our country is fighting a stronger enemy thanks to two factors, NBN reports.

According to the singer, the carrot and stick method helps the residents of our country stay afloat. Serga explained that the stick is the lack of choice for Ukrainians, who must fight for the existence of their freedom, identity, country and state.

The carrot, as the musician noted, is the faith of our people that they can not only to return the territories seized by the Russian Federation, but also to find a new quality of oneself in this struggle.

Serga noted that it is faith that helps push oneself out from below in order to rise. It can be different, but it is always a support for Ukrainians, makes them indestructible, motivates them to fight, build and create.

Earlier, the musician told what helped him “forget” the Russian language.


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