• 26/07/2024 22:50

Macron explained why Ukraine will not be able to strengthen its air defense system to the level of Israel

ByJohn Newman

Apr 20, 2024

NATO was informed the day before that the required number of air defense systems that President Vladimir Zelensky requested to protect the country had been found, and this concerns not only Patriot, but also similar SAMP/T.

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Macron explained , why Ukraine will not be able to strengthen the air defense system to the level of Israel

Photo – zn.ua

About the fact that the Forces The Ukrainian defense will not be able to build an air defense system similar to the “Iron Dome” operating in Israel (a tactical system created to protect against missiles, and “covering” up to 1500 kilometers of sky with each complex), that is, the corresponding current situation in the country, writes NBN, referring to the statement of French President Emmanuel Macron, published in the official X-account of Elysee.

In particular, Macron explained the above-described impossibility by the fact that European countries Ukraine's partners are very limited, both in resources and in opportunities, if we compare with Israel's direct ally, the United States of America.

In addition, the French President separately recalled – The Israeli state was formed its air defense system for decades, actively investing huge amounts of funds in this type of defense.

Earlier, our information portal wrote about how Macron responded to Shoigu’s accusations of France’s indirect involvement in the Moscow Region terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall.


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