• 26/07/2024 22:29

Mandatory identification of displaced pensioners: what information should be confirmed via video call

ByJohn Newman

Jan 5, 2024

The identification process affects elderly Ukrainians who received internally displaced person (IDP) status before February 24, 2022, and whose benefits are accrued to Oschadbank (identity verification period extended until April 1 current year).

Mandatory identification of displaced pensioners: what information should be confirmed via video link

Photo – napensii.ua

About the fact that identification can be carried out in a video conference format, using a smartphone/tablet/PC, but it’s better to know in advance what questions civil servants will ask, writes NBN, citing material from the publication On Retirement “.

In particular, pensioners will be asked to:

  • consent to identification with photo and video recording of the person and the documentation provided;
  • give full name, as well as date and place of birth;
  • specify passport details (series, number, date of issue, authorized entity that issued the document, expiration date, unique numbering in the “Unified Demographic State Register”) ;
  • give the TIN (if it doesn’t exist, tell us when it was abandoned);
  • list the details of the pension certificate;
  • give the phone number, address -mail, registered/actual place of residence;
  • tell about the date of the previous application to the PFU authorities and the issue raised there, including what city it was in.

Earlier, we wrote about how much service is needed to retire in 2024.


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