• 26/07/2024 22:32

Peskov responded to statements by Macron and Cameron, talking about a threat to European security

ByJohn Newman

May 6, 2024

Representative of the Russian Presidential Administration Dmitry Peskov called the latest statements by French President Emmanuel Macron and British Foreign Minister James Cameron about the war in Ukraine “dangerous”, talking about “escalation of tension.”

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Peskov reacted to the statements of Macron and Cameron, talking about a threat to the security of Europe

Photo – ria.ru

As reported by Russian propaganda agencies ” TASS” and “RIA Novosti”, Putin's press secretary called the words of the head of France in an interview with The Economist about the possible dispatch of Western troops to Ukraine “important and dangerous.” Peskov said that Macron constantly talks about the likelihood of his country being directly involved in the war, NBN reports.

Putin’s speaker also called the message from the head of the British Foreign Office “another dangerous statement.” Cameron said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be able to use weapons transferred from London to strike targets in the Russian Federation.

According to a representative of the Russian Administration, allowing the Ukrainian Defense Forces to fire British weapons on Russian territory is a “direct escalation of tension” around the war in Ukraine. Peskov noted that this could pose a threat to the security of Europe, which “causes concern.”

Recall that the US State Department accused the Russian Federation of using chemical weapons in Ukraine. A Kremlin spokesman responded to Washington's statements.


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