• 26/07/2024 21:01

Scholz explained in which cases Ukrainian men may not fear deportation from Germany

ByJohn Newman

May 12, 2024

At the end of April, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine introduced restrictions on the provision of a number of consular services to men who found themselves abroad, including a ban on issuing passports to citizens of mobilization age (18-60 years) – this is how the Ukrainian government tried to “motivate » potential military personnel to return home.

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Scholz explained in which cases Ukrainian men may not fear deportation from Germany

Photo – dw.com

About the fact that citizens of Ukraine who have received a residence permit or are employed in Germany will not be expelled from this state, contrary to Kiev’s aspirations for the return of their citizens (to participate in the war against the Russian Federation) who went abroad, writes NBN, citing a statement by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, published by the local publication Deutsche Welle.

According to Scholz, At this stage, the legal situation has developed in such a way that “the residence of [Ukrainian men] here [in Germany] is not in question.” In addition, official employment in Germany also excludes deportation to Ukraine.

In addition to all of the above, the Chancellor did not forget to urge Ukrainians in Germany to more actively find work, emphasizing, despite the fact that many are already doing this, yet “there are still several hundred thousand of those who are urgently needed on the [German] labor market.”

We previously wrote about what the Polish Foreign Ministry called a possible the expulsion of Ukrainian military personnel is “ethically ambiguous.”


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