• 26/07/2024 19:30

Shmygal announced “shifts” in the unblocking of military assistance from the United States

ByJohn Newman

Apr 19, 2024

The day before, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Mike Johnson, announced that on the evening of Saturday, April 20, Congress is ready to begin the process of voting on a bill providing for continued support for Ukraine.

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Photo – kmu.gov.ua

About what important decisions Ukraine managed to accept the extension of assistance during the visit to the United States, writes NBN, citing the explanation of Prime Minister Denis Shmygal, published on the official page of the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to Shmygal, the government our country has finally seen “shifts” affecting the issue of unblocking financial assistance from the United States: the bill proposes to allocate $61 billion to support Ukraine.

In particular, a key share of this funding will be directed to military needs, but $7.8 billion will go to the state budget. In addition, at least $1.5 billion is intended for economic assistance.

In addition to all of the above, American congressmen plan to consider a bill regarding the seizure of frozen assets of the Russian Federation in favor of Ukraine.

Earlier, we wrote about the fact that the head of the CIA stated that without US help, Ukraine could lose the war by the end of 2024 .


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