• 27/07/2024 04:03

The Main Intelligence Directorate explained whether the Russian Federation will be able to quickly replace the liquidated Tu-22M3

ByJohn Newman

Apr 19, 2024

On the morning of Friday, April 19, employees of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, with the participation of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, “landed” a strategic bomber Tu-22M3 of the Russian Aerospace Forces, flying in the Stavropol Territory.

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 The Main Intelligence Directorate explained whether the Russian Federation will be able to promptly replace the liquidated Tu-22M3

Photo – unian.net

About  , is the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation (“defense industry”) able to repeat the production process of Tu-22M3 bombers, writes NBN, referring to the explanation voiced by the speaker of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andrey Yusov in the telethon broadcast on YouTube- TSN channel.

According to Yusov, the Russian defense industry is now focused on maintaining the mass production of missile weapons, but now we are not talking about the quantity of these ammunition, but about their carriers and the distance from which defeat can be caused. In addition, today's liquidation of the Tu-22M3 will put certain pressure on the pilots of such bombers, since they will no longer be able to feel safe, “even in a 300-kilometer zone.”

Also, it is important that similar “aircraft” (Tu-22M3 or A-50), for the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation today is a virtually impossible task, and therefore now a justified “mourning” has been declared in the Kremlin.

The speaker of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU added  – within the framework of the war against our country, there is a practical demilitarization of Putin’s army, including strategic aircraft, and the above operation will not be the last, since “this is not all that is planned”, and Ukraine has something to “surprise” » RF.

Earlier we wrote about how the Air Forces commented on the destruction of the Tu-22M3.


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