• 27/07/2024 00:31

The 53rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade accused Butusov of spreading fake news about the defense of Avdiivka: what do soldiers expect from a journalist

ByJohn Newman

Feb 21, 2024

In the 53rd separate mechanized brigade named after. Prince Vladimir Monomakh was accused of journalist Yuri Butusov of disseminating false information about the defense of Avdeevka, Donetsk region. The editor-in-chief of the website “Censor.net” was called upon to apologize to the defenders of the Separate Mechanized Brigade.

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The 53rd Separate Brigade accused Butusov of spreading fake news about the defense of Avdiivka: what do soldiers expect from a journalist

Photo – facebook.com/butusov.yuriy

On the Facebook page of the 53rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade they reported that on February 18 they were broadcast live on their YouTube channel, the journalist gave out a fake regarding the withdrawal of the formation’s fighters from positions in Avdievka, NBN reports.

The military personnel said that the misinformation voiced by Butusov to an audience of millions discredits the fighters of the 53rd separate mechanized brigade, who during the massive Putin's army's offensive on the city did not lose a single position in the south and daily inflicted irrevocable losses on the Russian Armed Forces.

In addition, until the last day, the defenders controlled the area of ​​the 9th quarter of Avdeevka, through which neighboring units were withdrawing. The brigade's fighters also covered the military's withdrawal from the Zenit position.

The 53rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade called on the editor-in-chief of the Censor.net website to refute the fake theses from the air and apologize to the brigade fighters who held back the enemy in Avdiivka and helped save the lives of other defenders.

As reported, ISW explained the decrease in the pace of Russian offensives in the Avdiivka direction after the capture of the city.


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