• 26/07/2024 23:39

The Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the aggravation of the situation in the Donetsk region, naming the hottest directions

ByJohn Newman

Apr 23, 2024

Speaker of the operational-strategic group of troops “Khortitsa” Nazar Voloshin said that the situation at the front in the Donetsk region has begun to worsen. The lieutenant colonel named the three hottest directions in the region.

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the aggravation of the situation in the Donetsk region, naming the hottest directions

Photo – zsu.gov.ua

On the air of the national telethon, Voloshin said that in the Donetsk region the “second army of the world” is trying to capture the village of Ivanovskoye, as well as the environs of the village of Bogdanovka, in order to break through to Chasovy Yar, NBN reports .

According to the speaker of the OSGV “Khortitsa”, near this city in the Bakhmut region, the Ukrainian Defense Forces, at the cost of titanic efforts, have been holding back the Russian invaders for several days and stabilizing the situation.

The lieutenant colonel noted that the defenders in The last few days have recorded an aggravation of the situation in the east of the country. The hottest directions are Bakhmutskoye, Avdeevskoye and Novopavlovskoye.

Voloshin said that in some front zones, Putin’s occupation forces are constantly trying to storm the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, using tanks, artillery, drones of various types and combat aircraft.

Earlier, a representative of the OSGV “Khortitsa” reported how many invaders the command of the Russian Armed Forces sent to storm Chasovoy Yar.


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