• 26/07/2024 22:29

The authorities of the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation complained of “fires” after a UAV attack on a local oil refinery (video)

ByJohn Newman

Apr 27, 2024

In the middle of last month, SBU officers, with the participation of the Special Operations Forces and the Unmanned Systems Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, already carried out a similar attack on the Slavyansk Oil Refinery (Refinery), and on the night of this Saturday, April 27, the drone attack was repeated.

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Photo – screenshot of TG-video.

About the fact that on Saturday night in Slavyansk-on-Kuban (Krasnodar region of Russia) a fire broke out at the city-forming oil refinery, and about it At first, city publics reported, and then local governor Veniamin Kondratiev confirmed in his official Telegram channel, writes NBN.

According to Kondratiev, there were no casualties, however, contrary to predictable statements that Russian air defense allegedly “suppressed 10 drones,” and operational services had to urgently put out a series of fires caused by an attack by kamikaze drones.

In addition, in accordance with reports from the district administration, at this refinery owned by “ Slavyansk EKO”, the distillation column intended for distillation of “black gold” into fuel was partially destroyed. However, if you believe the authorities, the built protection system did not allow destruction at the adjacent reservoir complex.

Earlier, we wrote that the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense reported the liquidation of the Ka-32 helicopter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. ;in Moscow.


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