• 26/07/2024 22:27

The CNS assessed the impact of “legionnaires’” raids on the morale of the Russian army

ByJohn Newman

Mar 18, 2024

Over the past few days, legionnaires of the RDK, “Freedom of Russia”, the Siberian battalion and volunteers from the Great Patriotic War of Ichkeria have been actively “disturbing” the enemy in the Belgorod and Kursk regions.

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Photo – sprotyv.mod.gov.ua

About the fact that, despite all these facts, which significantly demoralize not only the personnel of Putin’s army, but also their relatives, Russian “political leaders” do not stop convincing the “liberators” of the imminent “capture of Odessa,” however, In reality, such motivation does not work, writes NBN, citing the material of the Center for National Resistance (CNS).

As it became known, the successes of the “legionnaires” alarmed the command of the RF Armed Forces as much as possible, since among the military personnel of the 25th Army of Russia, whose units are stationed in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, there are rumors circulating about their likely transfer with the purpose of covering up the Russian-Ukrainian border from the Belgorod region.

In addition, discontent increased among the occupiers, as their commanders canceled any vacations. At the same time, the wives of “good Russians” regularly complain – their husbands have not been home for more than a year. Also, after the wives appealed to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation regarding “injustice”, the command of Putin's troops transfers the “offended” men to stormtroopers, that is, they simply send them to their death.

In addition to all of the above, senior officers  The Russian Federation uses the legal illiteracy of its own subordinates in its own interests—in accordance with the contracts signed by the Russians, they must serve in rear units, but in fact, they are involved in “meat assaults” on the line military contact.

Earlier we wrote that the central nervous system reported the scale of the consequences for the occupiers after the explosion at the “electoral commission” in Skadovsk.


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