• 26/07/2024 19:24

The power steering “landed” the Tu-22M3 bomber of the invaders in the Stavropol Territory – media

ByJohn Newman

Apr 19, 2024

The supersonic Tu-22M3 missile carrier-bomber of Putin’s army fell in the Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation. The media stated that the crash of the invaders' military plane was an operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

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Photo – ria.ru

On Friday, April 19, the governor of the Stavropol Territory, Vladimir Vladimirov, announced a plane crash in a field in the Krasnogvardeisky district. The head of the region noted that two pilots were hospitalized, a third crew member died, and the search for the fourth pilot continues.


 The power steering “landed” the Tu-22M3 bomber of the invaders in the Stavropol Territory – media


Telegram channel ASTRA published footage of the fall of the Tu-22M3, reports NBN.

The defense department of the aggressor country said that the bomber crashed while returning to its home airfield after completing a combat mission.

The Russian Defense Ministry called the cause of the accident a “technical malfunction,” but the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces said , that the Tu-22M3, which launched missiles at Ukraine at night, was eliminated by the Defense Forces.

The RBC-Ukraine publication stated that the “landing” of a bomber of Putin’s army on Russian territory was an operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the MOU. The journalists' interlocutor said that after the Tu-22M3 was shot down, another bomber that was flying behind it turned around.

Note that the Tu22M3 is the first strategic aviation aircraft of the “second army of the world”, which Ukraine managed to eliminate during the flight.

Earlier, Budanov announced the destruction of a Mi-8 transport helicopter of the invaders at the airfield in Samara.


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