• 27/07/2024 04:23

What percentage of citizens are against the introduction of Western armies into Ukraine – opinion poll

ByJohn Newman

Apr 19, 2024

Recently, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that he is considering the possibility of potentially sending his troops to the territory of Ukraine.

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Photo – freepik.com

About the fact that the majority of respondents (48.2 percent) supported sending military contingent of Western partner states to Ukraine, writes NBN, citing the results of a survey conducted by the Razumkov Center, demonstrated on the Interfax-Ukraine YouTube channel.

We fully approve of such an initiative proposed Macron, 26.1 percent of respondents, and 74.3 percent of Ukrainians, that is, more than two-thirds, either fully support or are not against the involvement of foreign allied armies in the defense of Ukraine from the Russian Federation.

However, no more than 12.2 percent of respondents are categorically against or, rather, afraid of such a development of the situation in their country. The mass proportion of citizens who found it difficult to accurately determine their attitude to the described unlikely scenario, at the time of this opinion poll, was 13.4 percent.

<img title="What percentage of citizens are against the introduction of armies of Western countries to Ukraine – social survey" src="https://baltimorechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/586e2cb453a26cdb2df6996fc7ee5ea1.jpg" alt="What percentage of citizens are against the introduction of Western armies into Ukraine –

Photo — screenshot of YouTube video.

Earlier, we wrote about which of the state and public institutions Ukrainians trust the most.


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