• 26/07/2024 20:12

The rescue operation lasted a day: the Navy assessed the scale of losses of the crew of the large landing ship “Caesar Kunikov”

ByJohn Newman

Feb 18, 2024

The total number of crew of the large landing ship (LHD) “Caesar Kunikov”, according to the standard documentation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, is 87 people, and it has now become known how many occupying sailors were able to survive after being hit by aquadrones carried out by the fighters GUR MOU, SBU and Navy on February 14.

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Photo – ria.ru

About the fact that there is a high degree of probability – the dominant mass of the Caesar Kunikov crew is all  died, writes NBN, referring to the statement of the speaker of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Dmitry Pletenchuk, sounded during the broadcast of the United News telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Pletenchuk, since ships do not go to sea on their own, the full crew was present on board the Caesar Kunikov. In addition, taking into account the weather conditions during the sinking of the large landing craft, including the dark time of day, there is a high probability that the main part of the team simply died. Also, according to observations, ambulances took sailors from the shore, “but it’s hard to say in what condition.”

The Navy speaker added that the rescue operation began almost immediately after the Ukrainian surface ships hit kamikaze drones, and continued for at least a day.

Pletenchuk emphasized:

They pulled someone out of the water , but considering the fact that we didn’t even see any life-saving equipment in the video, then, most likely, these sailors simply remained in the water.

Earlier, we wrote about  how the short-sighted decision of Admiral of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation Sokolov contributed to the successful “sending to the bottom” of the large landing ship Caesar Kunikov.


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