• 26/07/2024 19:24

They did it more vilely – Kim announced a change in the tactics of Russian attacks on Nikolaev

ByJohn Newman

Feb 12, 2024

The head of the Nikolaev regional administration, Vitaly Kim, said that the Russian occupiers last week changed their tactics of shelling the city. At the same time, the military managed to unravel the intentions of the invaders, which helped save people.

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They did it more vilely – Kim announced a change in the tactics of Russian attacks on Nikolaev

Photo – facebook.com/VitaliiKimODA

During the briefing, the head of the Nikolaev OVA said that the “second army of the world” began to strike the regional center more vilely and insidiously. Over the past week, the Russian Armed Forces have intensified attacks on the city, NBN reports.

According to the official, on the night of Sunday, February 11, the invaders launched groups of attack drones across Nikolaev four times with an interval of 30-60 minutes. The enemy not only wanted to cause great destruction, but also to harm the rescuers who were working at the strike sites.

Kim noted that the “liberators” had previously used this tactic in other regions, so it was possible to unravel their plan and save people. At the same time, two were wounded and a fire broke out at the infrastructure facility.

Recall that on the night of February 12, the “second army of the world” fired missiles and kamikaze “Shahed” drones into Ukraine. The Air Force reported the results of the air defense.


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