• 26/07/2024 21:06

Ukrainian drone attacks on oil refineries in Russia replace Western sanctions – media

ByJohn Newman

May 8, 2024

American journalists said that Ukrainian UAV strikes on oil refineries on the territory of a terrorist state do what Western anti-Russian sanctions could not.

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Ukrainian drone attacks on oil refineries in Russia are being replaced by Western sanctions – media

Photo – 360tv.news

The American publication Foreign Affairs writes that since October the Ukrainian Defense Forces have been struck at least 20 times for oil refineries in the Russian Federation. Drones are hitting refineries so that Moscow's income from the sale of “black gold” is reduced and Putin's troops do not receive fuel, NBN reports.

According to journalists, by the end of March, the Ukrainian Defense Forces destroyed about 14% of oil refining capacity aggressor country, forcing Moscow to impose a six-month ban on the export of gasoline abroad.

The United States criticized Ukraine for attacks on oil refineries, however, as the media notes, such statements from Washington are inappropriate. The shelling of such enterprises does not affect the volume of oil that the Russian Federation can produce or export; they reduce its ability to turn “black gold” into petroleum products.

The publication stated that the strikes of the Defense Forces on these enterprises did what what Western sanctions against the Russian Federation could not achieve. A campaign of attacks on the refineries of a terrorist state brings benefits to Ukraine with limited risk.

Previously, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry named a condition under which Kyiv would consider refusing to attack refineries in the Russian Federation.


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