• 27/07/2024 04:24

What kind of war does Putin plan to wage next against Ukraine and what does the Russian dictator hope for?

ByJohn Newman

Apr 4, 2024

The head of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin, does not intend to stop the military aggression he has begun against the Ukrainian state. Moreover, he is planning a war of attrition. The aggressor also hopes for something in his aggressive plans against our country.

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What war does Putin plan to wage next against Ukraine and what does the Russian dictator hope for

Photo – gazeta.ru

As NBN reports, the Bloomberg article notes that Putin, in the war against the Ukrainian state, hopes that the West will reduce support for Kyiv.

So, despite the fact that the Russian occupation contingent cannot achieve a breakthrough in the war in Ukraine and is slowly moving forward, the Russian dictator is still determined to win on the battlefield, despite the losses.            

It is obvious that the Russian dictator, against the backdrop of his recent “re-election” to another six-year term in power, is trying, without any evidence, to accuse the Ukrainian state of allegedly being involved in a terrorist attack that was committed in the Crocus City Hall shopping center in the Moscow region , on March twenty-second of this year, where more than 140 Russian citizens died.

In turn, representatives of the United States of America said that they saw no signs that the dictator of Russia at the end of 2023 was serious about finding a way to stop war. They also rejected the idea of ​​negotiating a “truce” without the participation of Kyiv.

Putin will escalate the conflict

Putin’s plans are also confirmed by the head of the Moscow Center for Political Information Alexey Mukhin. This department provides consulting services to the Kremlin.

Most likely, Putin will now escalate the conflict, since his goal is to win this war. Moscow is ready to continue this conflict as long as it wants, — Mukhin summed up.  

Recall that we previously wrote about the statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense regarding the likelihood of negotiations on Ukraine.


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