• 26/07/2024 23:06

Which state and public institutions do Ukrainians trust the most – opinion poll

ByJohn Newman

Apr 11, 2024

Ukrainians told sociologists which of the state and social institutions in the country during the great war with the Russian Federation they expressed the most confidence.

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Which of the state and public institutions do Ukrainians trust most – sociological survey

Photo – vechirniy.kyiv.ua

The results of a sociological survey by the Razumkov Center showed that as of the end of March 2024, among In government institutions, citizens of Ukraine most trust the Armed Forces of Ukraine – 96%, as well as volunteer battalions – 86%, State Emergency Service – 85%, National Guard – 80%, SSPU – 76%, Ministry of Defense – 67.5% and SBU – 67%.

According to the study, 59% of Ukrainians trust the head of state Vladimir Zelensky. In January 2024, this figure was 64%, NBN reports.

Also, 85% of respondents trust volunteer organizations, 61% — public organizations and 60% — churches.

At the same time, the majority of Ukrainian citizens express distrust in officials (76%), political forces (76%), Verkhovna Rada (74%), the judicial system (70%) and the government (65, 5%).

Earlier, sociologists from the “Rating” group found out how the level of approval of the actions of the Verkhovna Rada by Ukrainians changed during two years of war.


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