• 26/07/2024 23:41

Xi Jinping said that China will never forget the US strikes on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade

ByJohn Newman

May 7, 2024

Chinese leader Xi Jinping said that his country will never forget the US strikes on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999, which took the lives of three people.

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Xi Jinping said that China will never forget the US strikes on the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade

Photo – REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

The head of the PRC in an article for the Serbian publication Politika on the eve of his arrival in Serbia, he said that the Chinese will never forget about the bombing of their country's embassy in Belgrade by NATO states, which occurred 25 years ago, NBN reports with reference to Kreschatic.

Xi Jinping recalled that in 1999, during the bombing of Yugoslavia by the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, American missiles hit the diplomatic department of the PRC, killing three Chinese journalists.

The politician added that China values ​​​​peace and will never allow such a tragic tragedy to happen again history.

Note that NATO explained the attack on the Chinese Embassy with the use of outdated maps, since the department building was built in 1993. After the strike on the diplomatic department, the United States paid Beijing $4.5 million. The money was divided between the relatives of the dead Chinese journalists and those who were injured.

Earlier, the United States warned the PRC about its responsibility for the military successes of the Russians in Ukraine. Beijing boldly commented on Washington's statements.


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