• 26/07/2024 23:38

Yevlash commented on Bild’s statement about “almost zero” reserves of air defense missiles in Ukraine

ByJohn Newman

Apr 12, 2024

Speaker of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Major Ilya Yevlash, spoke about an article by the German publication Bild, which reported “almost zero” stocks of air defense missiles in Ukraine.

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Evlash commented on the statement Bild about the “almost zero” reserves of air defense missiles in Ukraine

Photo – kos.zsu.gov.ua

Military Observer German tabloid Bild Julian Repke claims that the defenders have almost completely exhausted their reserves of missiles for air defense systems such as Patriot, SAMP-T, Iris-T and others, NBN reports.

A representative of the Armed Forces spoke on air at the national telethon The Ukrainian Armed Forces, commenting on the material in the media, recalled that our country does not produce these air defense systems and shells for them. Therefore, the Defense Forces need more missiles for air defense, because Ukraine itself cannot replenish these reserves.

According to the major, Kyiv’s partners know how much of such ammunition the defenders have and how many more such shells need to be provided to them. Yevlash called not to panic, because mobile air defense groups work well during air attacks of the invaders.

The Air Force Speaker recalled that most of all Kyiv is waiting for the supply of Patriot air defense systems so that the Ukrainian Armed Forces can counter the attacks of the invaders with ballistic and aeroballistic missiles.

Earlier, Yevlash told what kind of missile Putin’s army could have hit the Trypilska Thermal Power Plant in the Kiev region during a massive attack on Ukraine on April 11.


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