• 26/07/2024 22:39

Yevlash explained what made it possible to eliminate the Russian Su-25 on May 4

ByJohn Newman

May 5, 2024

Yesterday, on the eve of the Easter celebration, servicemen of the 110th separate mechanized brigade effectively “landed” a Su-25 attack aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

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Yevlash explained what made the liquidation of the Russian Su-25 possible

Photo – ukrinform.ua

About the fact that the destruction of the Su-25 in the sky over the Donetsk region indicates ;very effective work of the Ground Forces units, however, there are some nuances, writes NBN, citing the explanation of the Speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ilya Yevlash, sounded during the telethon on the TSN YouTube channel.

According to Yevlash, the Ground Forces have their own air defense units, and one can already see the excellent results of their work, first of all, the destruction of targets in the short and medium range of air defense forces and means. In particular, the Su-25 was “covered” with a man-portable anti-aircraft missile system, which can cope quite well with various types of air targets, including aircraft.

However, the defenders of Ukraine on the front line There is still a shortage of those very MANPADS that make it possible to fight both low-flying targets and UAVs. In addition, modernized systems, such as the Ukrainian Buk air defense systems, not excluding identical Western weapons, significantly help in countering attacks by Russian helicopters and aircraft, deterring enemy aircraft in our skies.

Previously, we  wrote about that the General Staff and Air Forces reported the number of “Shaheds” eliminated during the night attack.


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