• 26/07/2024 22:37

Galushchenko assessed the damage caused to the Ukrainian energy system by the spring attacks of the Russian Federation

ByJohn Newman

May 5, 2024

Starting in March of this year, Russian occupation forces carried out several large-scale attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, disabling up to 7 GW of electricity generating capacity.

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Galushchenko assessed the damage caused to the Ukrainian energy system by the spring attacks by the Russian Federation

Photo – glavcom.ua

About the fact that massive attacks carried out by a terrorist state in the period from ;March to April, caused damage to the energy sector of Ukraine in an amount exceeding hundreds of millions of dollars, NBN writes, citing the statement of the head of the Ministry of Energy German Galushchenko, voiced during a telethon on the YouTube channel TSN.

According to Galushchenko, at the moment the Ukrainian energy system has been brought to a stable level of operation, but one should realize that the situation remains quite complex.

In particular, touching on the topic of losses, the head of the Ministry of Energy emphasized today, we are talking about an amount of no less than 1 billion dollars, but since the attacks by the Russian Federation do not stop, the amount of such damage will only increase.

Galushchenko pointed to the current goal of the country – aggressor —the destruction of the so-called shunting generation of electricity in the country, which makes it possible to optimally balance the partially destroyed energy system (up to 50 percent of facilities are damaged).

Earlier we wrote about how the Ministry of Energy justified the need raising electricity tariffs for the population.


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