• 05/02/2025 20:54

Yuriy Gorbunov showed how he looked at 21 rivers and guessed the voice of independence of Ukraine

Ukrainian TV presenter Yuriy Gorbunov shared on Instagram with his 54th river people devastating guesses about their youth and the moment of declaring the independence of Ukraine, reports WomanEL. In the published photo, the showman is 21 years old, a graduate of the theater school and an actor at the Ivano-Frankivsk Drama Theater. On the very same day, on September 24, 1991, on the national day, Ukraine voted its independence. 

Sitting at home, a broadcast of the session of the Supreme Court was broadcast on the radio and I can feel the splashes of The radio receiver and the guy from the kitchen shout: “Hurray! Voted! Independence!”

guessed the TV presenter.

On that day, the whole place of Ivano-Frankivsk celebrated early in the morning , і Горбунов забув про своє особисте свято, захоплений хвилею народної радості. 

Юрій також розповів про свою активну участь у Революції на граніті ще студентом, коли під ризиком бути відрахованим за націоналістичні Look at the fate of the protests on Khreshchatyk. Together with other students, they bravely opposed the new union treaty and demanded changes for the then “stale” Ukraine.

This was one of the gatherings of renewed independence, and we still didn’t know what was ahead of Ukraine and us plenty of experience importance, but this is the beginning and I am proud, which is similar to history,

adding Gorbunov.

Before the word, today is the 33rd anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, the editors of WomanEL prepared the TOP 10 important facts about and you didn't know.

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