• 26/07/2024 23:02

“Alexandria” and “Rukh” ended in a fighting draw in the opening match of the 27th round of the UPL (video)

ByИван Дунаев

May 5, 2024

Ruslan Rotan's team twice was in the lead, but failed to win.

Alexandriaat home played a draw with Rukhin the opening match 27th round of the Ukrainian Premier League (UPL)2:2.

The hosts took the lead in the fourth minute – scored a goal Nikolai Mikhailenko. In the 26th minute, the Lviv team bounced back thanks to the efforts of Evgeniy Pastukh.

In the second half, Ruslan Rotan’s team took the lead again – Mikhailenko designed a double. However, just a minute later, the “yellow-blacks” restored parity in the meeting – Bogdan Slyubik scored.

Review of the match “Alexandria” – “Rukh” “

After this match, “Alexandria” (27 points) takes 12th place in the UPL. “Rukh” (45 points) remained in fifth position – the Lviv club is inferior in additional indicators to “Dnepr-1”, which has a game in hand.

In the next round, “Alexandria” will host “Dnepr-1” on May 12 “. A day earlier, Rukh will play away against Obolon.


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