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New rules. What Ukrainians can expect from the big mobilization bill: a brief summary

 Новые правила. Что украинцам ждать от большого законопроекта о мобилизации: краткий пересказ

Photo: mobilization rules in Ukraine will change (Getty Images) Author: Irina Gamerskaya

A new bill on mobilization in Ukraine was registered in the Rada late in the evening of December 25. Now parliamentarians will work on it, ahead of consideration in committees and voting in two readings.

RBC-Ukraine dealt with the main innovations of the new bill and provides a brief retelling below.

It should be noted that the text of the bill, which is only being discussed, is now available on the parliament’s website. After the adoption of the document, the law will come into force in a month, with the exception of certain parts.

Thus, among the innovations of the new bill:

The powers of village, town and city councils now include, in particular:

Subpoenas and email

In case of receiving a summons to the TCC, the citizen is obliged to appear at the place and time specified in it. What should be on the agenda:

A subpoena can be served: where and by whom

!!! A summons to the TCC can be sent to a citizen through the electronic account of a conscript, a member liable for military service and a reservist, or by email.

Valid reasons for non-arrival on a summons include an obstacle of a natural nature, illness, or death of a close relative.

During mobilization, citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 years, registered or removed from military registration, are required to have a military registration document with them and present it at the request of a TCC representative or a police officer. During the document check, a representative of the TCC or a police officer can conduct photo and video recording and use equipment with access to the register of conscripts.


In particular, the following have the right to deferment:

As for students, under the new bill, applicants for vocational (vocational), vocational higher and higher education who study full-time or dual forms of education and receive a level of education that is higher than previously received in one specialty (specialty) are not subject to conscription under the new bill.

Dismissal from service

During martial law, contract service for persons from 18 to 25 years old is one year.

Grounds for dismissal from service for military conscripts , in particular:

Mobilized persons are dismissed from service, including in the following cases:

Military registration and restrictions

The bill stipulates that a military registration document will be generated in electronic form for each conscript, person liable for military service and reservist. At the same time , the rule according to which military records of Ukrainian citizens permanently residing abroad are not kept is excluded.

In addition, it will be required that conscripts, those liable for military service and reservists who left their place of residence, within seven days from the date of registration of IDPs, register with the military at their location.

Another proposal is that convicts can be called up for military service, except for those who have committed crimes against the fundamentals of national security, as well as crimes provided for in Articles 401 – 414, 426 – 433, 436, 437 – 442 of the Criminal Code.

Ukrainians abroad

Consular services in foreign diplomatic institutions of Ukraine for Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 years who are conscripts, military personnel or reservists are provided with military registration documents. The consulate checks the authenticity of military registration documents. The exception is the preparation of documents for return to Ukraine, assistance to children, registration of inheritance, services on applications of detainees, as well as in the event of a threat to the life and health of a citizen.

In conditions of martial law , the issuance of a Ukrainian or international passport abroad for male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 years is carried out provided that they have military registration documents.

Restriction for draft evaders

According to the proposals, draft dodgers will be included in the Unified Register of Debtors, and the following restrictions will be applied to them:

Such restrictions will be terminated upon notification from the head of the TCC about the exclusion of a person liable for military service from the Unified Register of Debtors.

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