• 26/07/2024 22:49

In Transcarpathia, more than 2 thousand Roma children received vaccinations against infectious diseases


Mar 25, 2024

In Transcarpathia, more than 2 thousand Roma children were vaccinated against infectious diseases.

The Transcarpathian OVA reported this in a Telegram, Ukrinform reports.

«In Transcarpathia, mobile teams continue to vaccinate Roma children against infectious diseases. Thanks to this, almost 2,000 Roma children received vaccinations against polio, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, measles, mumps and rubella,” the statement said. It is noted that since the beginning of February, medical workers have made more than 30 visits to places of compact residence of the community population.

“The vaccination campaign in the region continues with the financial support of UNICEF,” added the Transcarpathian OVA.  

As Ukrinform reported, “Medical procurement” 800 thousand doses of vaccine against tetanus and diphtheria were delivered to the regions.

Photo: mayherkevych.com


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