• 27/07/2024 00:17

Exchange rates on April 25: how much will the dollar, euro and zloty cost?

Currency exchange rates on April 25: how much will the dollar, euro and zloty cost

The American currency will fall in price by 11 kopecks.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official exchange rates for Thursday, April 25. Thus, the dollar, euro and zloty will lose value.

This is evidenced by data on the official website of the NBU.

Dollar exchange rate

1 US dollar – 39.47 UAH (-11 kopecks)

Euro exchange rate

1 euro – 42.18 UAH (-8 kopecks)

Zloty exchange rate

< p>1 Polish zloty – 9.76 UAH (-3 kopecks).

By the way, according to experts, at the end of the year the dollar exchange rate in Ukraine will rise to 41.67 UAH.

Read also:

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