• 12/03/2025 00:19

NBU wants to change instructions for interbank payment transactions in hryvnia

The National Bank proposes to amend the Instructions for performing interbank payment transactions in Ukraine in the national currency. This is stated in the NBU message.

NBU wants to change the instructions for performing interbank payment transactions in hryvnia

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What the NBU offers

    Clarify the deadlines for reviewing bank documents that are submitted to obtain permission to work in the electronic payment system (EPS) according to the corresponding model of servicing a consolidated correspondent account, and documents of another institution that are submitted for inclusion in the list of EPS participants.

    Provide for the right of the National Bank to leave without movement the documents of the bank that are submitted to obtain permission to work in the EPA according to the corresponding model of servicing a consolidated correspondent account, and documents of another institution that are submitted for inclusion in the list of participants of the EPA, in the case of an incomplete package of documents or registration and submission of documents with violations;

    Ensure that the bank and other institution are informed about the documents being left without movement within three working days from the date of receipt of the documents, indicating the identified deficiencies and the deadline for their elimination;

    Grant the right to the bank and other institution to submit a petition to the National Bank for an extension of the deadline elimination of deficiencies;

    Provide for the possibility of restoring the deadline for reviewing documents left without progress in the event that the bank or other institution corrects identified deficiencies;

    Grant the right to the National Bank to return documents to the bank and other institution in the event of failure to eliminate deficiencies within the established period.

You can view the materials for discussion using the following links:

    draft resolution; analysis of the impact of the draft resolution; comparative table to the draft resolution.

Comments and proposals to the draft resolution are accepted in accordance with the form for submitting comments and proposals by July 26, 2024.

    NBU Currency


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