• 05/02/2025 07:58

Ukrainians will be able to observe an incredible space phenomenon in November: the date has been announced

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From November 3 to On December 2, Ukrainians will be able to observe the Leonids meteor shower.

URA-Inform reports this with reference to EarthSky.

It is one of the most active meteor showers and will peak between November 16 and 18. The shower is said to take its name from the constellation Leo. Observers on Earth appear to see meteors “emerge” from behind the star Algiba in Leo, but this is an optical illusion.

It is noted that the Leonids usually show average activity with about 15 meteors falling per hour. This is the activity that scientists expect this time. However, every 33 years, when Comet Tempel-Tuttle passes close to the Earth, the stream becomes much more powerful and can turn into a real “meteor storm” with thousands of meteors per hour. The last such storm occurred in 2001, but was less powerful than the one in 1966.

Then, the incredible spectacle could be observed by residents of the United States. People in the southwest of the country reported that on the morning of November 17, 1966, they saw from 40 to 50 meteors per second, which is from 2400 to 3000 meteors per minute. This happened for 15 minutes. The Leonids have very fast meteors: their speed can reach 71 kilometers per second, which makes them one of the fastest among meteor showers.

«Meteors often become visible only 30 degrees or so from the emission point. They diverge from the radiant in all directions. Thus, the Leonids meteors, like meteors in all meteor showers, will appear in all parts of the sky,», the publication notes.

It will also be interesting to know that a scientist named the place where the soul lives: a theory has been put forward about the sources of human consciousness.

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