• 26/07/2024 20:10

Fuel prices are predicted to rise in Ukraine: when and by how much

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This information was reported by TG «Insider», reports URA-Inform .  

Director of the consulting company «A-95» Sergei Kuyun reported that in Ukraine in the near future, fuel prices may rise by two hryvnia per liter. The increase in cost is due to events unfolding in the Red Sea and an increase in purchasing prices.

«We have seen that for several weeks the economy segment chains have been raising prices. Every day the price creeps up by 30-50-70 kopecks. There are no prerequisites yet to talk about a tragedy, but within two hryvnia per liter the price may rise within 2-3 weeks», — the fuel market expert explained.

He noted that now the price per barrel is $83, while at the beginning of the year it was around $77.

«For the oil market this is a fairly sensitive value, so the market begins to react. We buy everything imported, at world prices. Accordingly, the purchase price began to rise», — explained Sergey Kuyun.

Recall that it was previously reported that the National Bank introduced a new coin into circulation: what it looks like.

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