• 27/07/2024 00:38

It’s time for Ukrainians to get ready: the Ukrainian Armed Forces told when the critical phase of the war will begin

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In the next two months, the situation on the battlefield may reach a critical phase. While Ukraine has not yet received all the new aid from the United States, the Russian Federation is going to launch a serious attack.

The commander of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Alexander Pavlyuk, spoke about this in an interview with The Economist, reports “URA- Inform.”

According to him, the Russian side is using all available forces and means at the front to test the endurance and readiness of the Ukrainian troops, which lack resources.

“Russia understands that if we manage to obtain enough weapons in the coming months, then the balance of power on the battlefield may change significantly in our favor,” — Pavlyuk noted.

It is worth noting that these days there is a sharp increase in fighting in the Kharkov region. However, the Ukrainian Armed Forces manage to hold back the enemy’s onslaught. In addition, the situation remains difficult in the Donetsk region.

We remind you that Ukrainians should wait for a meeting with the police on memorial days: they are aware of inspections of cemeteries.

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