• 26/07/2024 20:46

New opponents of mobilization were caught in the Kyiv region: the SBU revealed details

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The SBU detained five more bloggers in the Kyiv region who were involved in information and subversive activities in favor of Russia. They warned citizens about the movements of TCC employees, which was detrimental to mobilization.

This is reported by URA-Inform, citing the SBU.

“The violators filmed provocative streams and created fake publications about representatives APU, including information about the TCC. This content was actively used by Russian propagandists to create a negative image of Ukrainian defenders before an international audience,” — stated the SBU.

In addition, bloggers disseminated information about the location and routes of movement of the Ukrainian military, which could be used by the aggressor to direct precision missile and drone attacks on the positions of Ukrainian forces. These actions are considered a serious threat to the national security of Ukraine.

It is worth noting that social groups have become popular in Ukraine, where people warned each other about the movement of TCC representatives. For some time, Ukraine did not struggle with this, but delays in mobilization forced attention to this problem. Now those who surrender their positions as TCC employees face a term of imprisonment of up to 8 years.

We would like to remind you that in the Kiev region they began to punish people who reported the movements of TCC employees.

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