• 26/07/2024 23:20

The head of the TCC in the Lviv region was seriously punished: it became known what happened

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An incident occurred in the Lviv region related to the mobilization of an employee of the Dairy Company «Galicia» the head of the regional territorial recruitment center.

This information was reported by TSN, reports URA-Inform.

It is noted that at the end of January the above-mentioned employee appeared independently at the TCC to clarify your military credentials. Having provided an extract from the order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade about his reservation, he expected that his status would be taken into account.

However, the TCC ignored his document, and on the same day he was sent to undergo Military Treatment Commission, which declared him fit for military service. Two days later he was issued a summons, which he refused. Despite this, the head of the TCC included it in the mobilization order.

Based on the results of the trial, it was established that the actions of the head of the TCC constituted an abuse of his power or official authority under martial law.

He was found guilty of committing a military administrative offense and was given a fine of 17 thousand hryvnia. However, an appeal may be filed against this court decision.

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