• 26/07/2024 23:13

The Russian Federation is waging a hybrid war against Italy: intelligence officials named the Kremlin’s main goal

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On Wednesday, February 28, Italian intelligence services reported in their annual report to parliament that Russia is waging a hybrid war against countries.

This information was reported by ANSA, reports URA-Inform.  

According to Italian intelligence services, the Russian Federation is doing this with the help of disinformation, cyber attacks and exploitation of migration in order to influence the upcoming European elections.

According to the Italian department, Russia is the most active participant in hybrid campaigns aimed at the detriment of Italy and the entire West.

«Arsenal used — these are espionage, cyber attacks, disinformation and the use of migration flows in a destabilizing manner», — the report says.

In turn, Cabinet Secretary Alfredo Mantovano said that the latest episode of Russian disinformation was farmers' protests against the European Union and national green and agricultural policies.

We recall that it was previously reported that Erdogan again spoke about negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation: the media found out who he recently called.

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