• 26/07/2024 22:36

Thousands of Western soldiers are already in Ukraine: the Financial Times said what a source told them

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According to Western media, citing a source in the highest military circles of Europe, Western special forces fighters and a considerable number soldiers are already operating on Ukrainian territory.

This information was reported by the Financial Times, URA-Inform reports.

French President Emmanuel Macron, having expressed such assumptions, caused lively discussions in the Western world. Representatives of a number of NATO countries, including the United States, Germany, Poland, Spain, and the Czech Republic, reacted negatively to the possibility of the presence of their military in Ukraine.

However, the Kremlin expressed dissatisfaction with Macron’s statements, arguing that this could prefigure direct military conflict with Russia.

According to journalist Ishan Tharoor of The Washington Post, evidence suggests the presence of NATO military units on Ukrainian territory, despite official denials.

According to information published by the Financial Times, citing a senior European military official, Western special forces soldiers are present in Ukraine. However, this has not been officially reported.

In addition to state special forces, there are a large number of volunteers operating on Ukrainian territory. Since February 2022, thousands of them, mostly from the West and post-Soviet countries, have come to support Ukraine.

The Foreign Legion, made up of a motley ideological following, experienced warriors and mercenaries, is engaged in battles along the entire front line. It is estimated that the Foreign Legion of Ukraine has about 20,000 foreign fighters from more than 50 countries, including American citizens.

Recall that Erdogan again spoke about negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation: the media found out to whom he recently called.

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