• 26/07/2024 22:31

The wedding boom is over: what is the situation with divorces in Ukraine

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With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, a real wedding boom began.

This information was reported to Fakty, URA-Inform reports.  

In particular, thousands of families appeared in the first half of 2022 alone. However, within a year passions had subsided, and already in the first half of 2023, a decrease in the number of people wishing to get married was recorded in the country.

According to Opendatabot, 86,028 marriages were registered in the first half of 2023. This is 17% less than the corresponding period in 2022, when 103,903 new families were recorded.

But the number of divorces increased by more than 30%; in the first half of 2023, 10,139 cases of divorce were registered.  During the same period in 2022, there were only 7,632 divorces.

Divorce statistics in Ukraine by year:

I half of 2021 — 13,153;

II half of 2021 — 16,434;

I half of 2022 — 7,632;

II half of 2022 — 10,261;

I half of 2023 — 10,139.

It is noted that most often couples get divorced in Kyiv. Many families put an end to their relationships in the Dnepropetrovsk region. An increase in divorces was also recorded in the Nikolaev, Ternopil, and Kharkov regions. In these areas, the number of divorces has increased by one and a half times.

Recall that it was previously reported that emergency power outages are being introduced again in Ukraine: who will this affect.
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