• 26/07/2024 23:36

What will happen with US help to Ukraine: Brink admitted what they came to in America

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American Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink expressed a warning about a possible change in the volume of military assistance that the United States provides to Ukraine.

This information was reported by European Pravda, reports URA-Inform.

During a meeting with reporters on February 20, Brink said that a decision on military assistance to Ukraine, which is currently blocked by some of former President Trump's supporters in Congress, will soon be made.

The Ambassador expressed confidence that all differences in Congress on this issue will be overcome. However, she also noted that changes in the amount of military assistance provided are possible.

«I am fully confident that we will continue to support you&#8230 ; Although I can’t say exactly when this will happen,» — Brink emphasized.

She also said that she had two conversations with the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson, who is blocking the decision. He assured her that he supports Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression.

However, Brink warned that the volume of military assistance could be reduced. Let us recall that the White House initially proposed to allocate a little more than $60 billion for armaments for Ukraine.

The Ambassador noted that the issue is «very politicized», and it is not yet possible to predict the exact timing of a decision.< /p>

Recall that the military in Ukraine has a new sign: it has become known what it means (photo).

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