• 11/03/2025 23:52

Military reproductive cells will not be disposed of in case of death – Rada promises to make changes before March 23 – Radutsky

Until March 23, 2024, the adopted law is not yet in force. By this time, deputies promise to make the necessary changes to the Civil Code, which will take into account the interests of the families of the deceased defenders. =”https://baltimorechronicle.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/7d8194e6d7b431263b4ecf383a59d101.jpg” alt=”Reproductive cells of military personnel will not be disposed of in case of death – Council 2 promises to make changes

Clinics will not dispose of reproductive cells cells of military personnel in the event of their death, Mikhail Radutsky, MP, Chairman of the Committee on National Health, Medical Assistance and Medical Insurance, told LB.ua. It was he who introduced the discussed amendment to bill 3496 -IX “On amendments to certain laws of Ukraine on ensuring the right military personnel and other persons for biological paternity (maternity).”

As Radutsky explained, this law concerned military personnel who, as a result of injury, lost the opportunity to have children. The document did not take into account the questions of the deceased defenders. This, according to him, contradicted Article 248 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, which provides for the termination of representation by power of attorney after the death of the principal. Therefore, before March 23, 2024 (the date when the law under discussion comes into force), the Verkhovna Rada will adopt changes to the Civil Code that will take into account the interests of the families of fallen soldiers, says Radutsky.

Changes to the Civil Code are planned as an urgent amendment at the next meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, the deputy adds.

“Before March 23, everything will be done to ensure that every family of a military man who wants to preserve his memory can do so do and it will all be paid for by the state,” Radutsky assured.

Recall that lawyer Elena Babich published a message on January 26, where she pointed out subparagraph 3, paragraph 2 of the mentioned law. It reads as follows:

“in the event of the death or recognition as dead in accordance with the established procedure of a person whose reproductive cells are stored, their storage is terminated with subsequent disposal.”

Note that what follows is About. , that this does not apply to persons who, before the law came into force, paid for the service of storing their reproductive cells at their own expense. will utilize the sperm and eggs of protectors and protectors. By this time, deputies must make changes that make this impossible even after the 23rd.


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